By far the best proof is experience.Sir Francis Bacon (1561-1626)

Executive Profiles at Palladium Property NSW

Phillip Hoare
Director / Development Manager
AAPI (CDP) / B.Arch. / M. Comm (Prop Dev)

Since completing University, Phillip has gained broad experience in the property and development industry, providing advice and managing projects for a diverse range of property owner, investor and development entities.

These include the Department of Premier and Cabinet (NSW), Minister of Transport, Roads and the Illawarra, Investec Bank (Australia) Ltd, Charter Hall Holdings, Energy Resources Australia, Tipalea Partners and several successful high-worth individuals and private investment trusts.

Phillip founded Palladium Property in 2005 after over a decade of employment with leading property firms LandMark White, Stanton Hiller Parker and overseas players, property asset manager Boll Property Group and listed construction and engineering group Murray & Roberts Limited.

Sports Participations

Phillip has represented Australia in the ‘Green and Gold’ at the International Triathlon Union (ITU) World Championships in September 2016 in Cozumel, Mexico (Olympic Distance and Aquathlon) and in Edmonton, Canada (Sprint Distance) in August 2014.

Our Founder’s Experience

Phillip has experience as a qualified architect across all property categories and a skill set refined with a Master of Commerce (Property Development). Accredited as a Certified Development Professional by the Australian Property Institute, Phillip has developed an extensive knowledge of current property market trends and development and project management practice.

Phillip’s property expertise is refined through his part-time lecturing at UNSW in the Master of Property Development course and provides industry presentations on development trends. He is the course founder of Property Development Insights Seminar Series, a concise yet comprehensive course for aspirant small scale property developers, landowners and industry consultants requiring a ‘nuts and bolts approach of the key development processes

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